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Open Class

What is Open Class?

Open Class is the public version of 4-H. Show off any of your handy work that you have made in the past year and you could win a CASH prize! From livestock to food to photography you can find a category for your homemade item. Click our Premium Book link below to see all our categories and Rules.

How do I register?

There are two ways to register.

1. Pre-registration: Send in your pre-registration form with your entry fee to PO Box 121 Park Rapids, MN 56470. Then on Tuesday July 11th bring your items to the Exhibit Hall to be placed and judged.

2. Register the day of with all your items at the Exhibit Hall.

The fee's are 10% of first place in everything except for Cattle, Sheep, Swine, and Horses which are 20%. 

So if 1st place winning's are $5.00 then your entry fee for that class will be $0.50.

Each Payout is listed in our premium book.1st 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive a payout.

All rules will be strictly followed. Please read our premium book carefully so you do not get disqualified. If you have any questions please call Tasha Smith 218-252-0264.

Fee's and Payouts


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